Main » 2014 » July » 11 » Housing Ferrets
7:19 PM
Housing Ferrets

Ferrets should be housed in a safe and secure enclosure or cage especially when they are not under direct supervision. Ferrets are highly curious and inquisitive animals. They require daily interaction and regular play time with their owners, and should take place in a safe area outside their enclosure. Whenever your ferret is out of the cage, it is very important to keep your pet under close supervision to protect against injury.

The ferret’s enclosure or cage should be as spacious as possible. It must be well-ventilated and large enough to allow your ferret to stretch out, walk and turn around with ease. Being a nosy creature, your ferret will spend a considerable part of the day exploring every nook and cranny of his cage. Put in some cage furnishings, such as boxes and tunnels, to provide your pet with something to explore and keep it from being bored.  Your pet ferret will also need a small cozy sleeping area in the cage.

Know more about how to take care of your pet ferret's needs by visiting your St. Thomas vet. Visit the website of Imperial Veterinary Clinic to find out more.

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