Main » 2015 » September » 10 » Housetraining Your Kitty
6:05 AM
Housetraining Your Kitty

A new kitten should be initially confined to a small area of the house with a litter box. Even while still very young, cats already have the instinct to loose for loose material to do their business in. As long as the kitten finds the litter material in the box good enough for his toilet needs, a new pet owner may only exert very little effort in training the kitten to use the litter box.

Generally, kittens will need to go potty after every meal, after waking up in the morning, after napping, and after physical activity.

A kitten does not need to be confined to the small area for a considerable period of time. But a pet owner should supervise the kitten especially during housetraining to prevent accidents and to bring back his pet to the litter box at designated times of the day.

Bring your cat to a Gresham, OR veterinary clinic for regular checkups. Click here for more info.

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