Main » 2015 » September » 15 » Holiday safety for your dog
2:15 PM
Holiday safety for your dog

You love your dog, and you want to involve him in any celebrations that your family may take part in. This can be a great way to have some fun and bond with your pet, but some precautions must also be taken in order to enjoy your time together to the fullest. Be mindful of changes in your usual routine, as these may cause your pet some stress. Take into account any of his needs that will have to be met in a different way, and be sure to offer him some special attention so he can really feel like a part of the holiday festivities. Offer your pet proper supervision, and be aware of the guests that may be around him. Be sure they know not to offer your pet any food, and are interacting with him appropriately. Your local South Jordan, UT vet can offer additional suggestions.

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