Main » 2017 » October » 4 » Helping Your Pet Bird Stay Happy While Home Alone
12:04 PM
Helping Your Pet Bird Stay Happy While Home Alone

There are times when you need to leave your pet bird at home alone. Your bird needs to stay in its cage during this time. Since birds are social animals, you need to give your bird plenty of in-cage activities to do during this time. Leaving a radio or television on while you are away can entertain your bird with something to look at and listen to. Talk radio offers human voices so these programs are especially effective. Give your bird plenty of toys and climbing apparatus to play with. However, don’t put so many things in the cage that your bird can’t move around freely. Citrus fruits or mint in your bird’s cage can stimulate its sense of smell. Check that your bird has plenty of food and water and consider giving her a special food treat. Learn more from your Crown Point, IN veterinary clinic. Schedule an appointment today!

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