Main » 2017 » July » 16 » Handling Your Pet Mouse
5:32 AM
Handling Your Pet Mouse

Mice are fairly sturdy but their small size means you need to handle your pet mouse carefully. Never pick up your mouse by his delicate tail since this can hurt and cause permanent damage. Help your mouse get accustomed to you. Reach into the cage so he can explore your hand. Don’t grab at your mouse or chase him. Get your mouse comfortable with you by holding him gently. Lift your mouse carefully with both hands. If your mouse starts wiggling, quickly lower him back into the cage or to a safe, low area in your home such as a table or sofa. Always supervise your mouse while he is outside his cage.Your mouse could slip away into the smallest nooks and crannies of your home and you may never find him. Cordon off a safe area for your mouse to play while outside his cage. For more information, contact your Happy Valley, OR veterinarian.

Views: 416 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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