Main » 2016 » March » 4 » Green Iguanas and Sneezing
12:22 PM
Green Iguanas and Sneezing

Did you know that sneezing in reptiles like the green iguana can be a common occurrence? However, if your green iguana’s sneeze is accompanied by a cough, yawn or other symptoms it could signal an underlying illness. It doesn’t hurt to give your vet a call to schedule a routine exam just to make sure your green iguana is OK. Generally, a sneeze in an iguana or specifically a green iguana is another natural response to an irritant in the nose. It may be caused by a foreign object in the nose such as dust or be caused by an allergic reaction to something in the air or something ingested. Sneezing could also be an indication that the temperature of your iguana’s habitat needs adjusting. If followed by other symptoms, the sneeze could be an indicator that your lizard has a respiratory infection. Your veterinarian Milwaukie, OR will need to examine your iguana to make a diagnosis. Visit this website Linwood Animal Clinic to learn more.

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