Main » 2016 » March » 16 » Golden Retrievers and Blisters
2:17 AM
Golden Retrievers and Blisters

Did you know that your canine companion can develop blisters on the bottom of his feet just like people can? In fact, walking your Golden Retriever on hot surfaces during the summer or even on icy, sharp surfaces in the winter can create blisters on the bottom of his paws or paw pads. If you notice that your Golden’s paw pads appear red, blistered, flaky, scratched or even chipped please call your vet right away. A dog’s paws and paw pads are sensitive. If your Golden refuses to walk or starts limping then you should check his pads. If they are blistered, take your pup to a grassy place to walk. You may need to flush the pads with cool water or apply a cool compress to reduce pain. If the blisters appear to be deep or are bleeding then take your Golden in for immediate treatment from your vet Eastern Passage, NS.

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