Main » 2018 » March » 17 » Getting to know a new mouse
6:07 PM
Getting to know a new mouse

You have brought a mouse into your home, and you want to make sure you are able to be there to meet her needs. On top of this, you would like to have a great relationship with your new pet. How can you get to know her?

Bringing a new pet into your home is a big deal for your family, but it is an even bigger deal for your pet. She doesn’t understand what’s happening, and it will take a while for her to get a grasp on things. You will need to give her the chance to familiarize herself with things before really interacting with her. This is because your pet will need to be comfortable with you to really show you her personality, and this will only happen in time. Your local most trusted vet Savannah GA can offer additional guidance.

Views: 365 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet Savannah GA | Rating: 5.0/1
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