Main » 2015 » September » 8 » Get Your Fluffy Moving On A Daily Basis
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Get Your Fluffy Moving On A Daily Basis

More often than not, indoor cats don’t get enough physical activity to help them maintain their ideal weight. While being confined indoors protects them from risks that exist outdoors, it increases their risk for obesity.

Enriching your indoor cat’s environment will give him lots of positive avenues to burn calories and expend energy. Install a multi-tier kitty condo or cat tree, invest in a laser toy, or play interactive games with your pet to keep him moving. There are various activities that can appeal to your pet’s hunting and stalking instincts.

You don’t have to buy expensive interactive toys for your kitty. There are so many things you can recycle at home such as a piece of string that you can drag across the floor so your cat can run and pounce after it. Cats also love playing with Ping-Pong balls as well as bits of paper or aluminum foil rolled into balls.

Cats love to engage in activities that challenge them both physically and mentally. You can also take your kitty on leash walks around the neighborhood. These outdoor excursions will give him opportunities to enjoy the fresh air and different sights, scents, and sounds.

Interacting with your pet on a daily basis will also help strengthen the bond you share with your pet. 

Keep your pet healthy and active by bringing him regularly to a Niwot, CO veterinary clinic. Visit this website for more details.

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