Main » 2016 » September » 27 » Food for Beige Chinchillas
3:32 PM
Food for Beige Chinchillas

Chinchillas love to eat and they love to snack. If you’re a new Beige chinchilla owner then you should consider talking with your vet about a specific diet and treats for your chinchilla. Generally, chinchillas will need a diet of chinchilla pellets and quality grass hay. If you’re not able to find chinchilla pellets ask your vet about using rabbit or guinea pig pellets instead. You can offer your little guy treats, but do so in moderation. Some Beige chinchillas enjoy eating raisins, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, crackers, rose branches, apple branches or even willow branches as a treat as well. Clear these snacks with your vet and also ask about how much your chinchilla can have per day. Hay will most likely be your chinchilla’s favorite food. Hay provides the necessary fiber needed. It also helps keep teeth healthy. Consult with your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA for additional suggestions.

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