Main » 2016 » November » 22 » Food Aggression in Quarter Horses
1:37 PM
Food Aggression in Quarter Horses

As a general rule, horses of all breeds (including the Quarter horse) tend to have a mind all their own. Horses may be beautiful creatures, but they are also strong and independent creatures as well. Remembering horses are wild animals with wild instinctive behaviors is important. For instance, your vet can tell you that one such instinctive behavior in horses includes food aggression. If you have more than one horse, you may need to feed each of them in a separate stall to avoid a fight. If your horses do not have access to stalls then separate them in the pasture during feedings. When giving hay, be sure to make several piles in your pasture so that each horse can forage and graze without feeling threatened by one of the other horses. If your horse is aggressive around food you may want to train him for in hand feedings. Ask your vet Olathe, KS for more suggestions. More information here:

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