Main » 2016 » March » 23 » Flea and Tick Insecticide Poisoning In Pet Cats
5:40 PM
Flea and Tick Insecticide Poisoning In Pet Cats

One of the most common emergencies treated by vet clinics is accidental poisoning of cats by well-intentioned cat parents. Without asking their veterinarians or reading the label carefully, they apply some flea medication for small dogs to their cats, resulting in severe poisoning. The most common anti-flea and tick medication that is implicated is spot-on medication, especially products from the pyrethrin and pyrethroid group. These are common active ingredients of household sprays, insecticides, and topical spot-on medications. While these chemicals are very safe for use in dogs, they should never be administered in cats. High concentrations of pyrethroid can cause severe poisoning in cats. The liver metabolism of cats is unable to handle high concentrations of pyrethroids and other drugs, thus poisoning can easily occur upon exposure to these chemicals.  

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Views: 492 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Claws N Paws Animal Hospital | Rating: 5.0/1
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