Main » 2016 » February » 4 » Finding Your Lost Cat
10:58 AM
Finding Your Lost Cat

Cats can slip out of the house through a torn window screen or when a door is left ajar. Prevention is important so check all possible escape routes and make repairs promptly. Microchipping your cat is a valuable tool in finding your lost cat. The microchip is inserted under the skin and is registered to a database with your contact information. If your cat is found, the chip can be scanned and you can be reunited with your cat. Your cat should also wear a breakaway collar with a tag listing your contact information. If your cat is found you can be immediately reunited. Check under bushes and porches on your property and in any sheds. Expand your search outward as needed. Hang signs with a photo of your kitty. And make the local police and shelter aware of your missing kitty. Learn more from your Greensboro, NC veterinary clinic.

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