Main » 2018 » March » 24 » Feline Diabetes in the Burmilla
10:59 AM
Feline Diabetes in the Burmilla

Did you know that diabetes can develop in animals including felines? If you own a cat like the Burmilla breed, then you may want to talk with your vet about feline diabetes and ways to prevent the disease in your cat or to treat it should your cat be diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes in cats is a lot like diabetes in humans. It basically occurs when a cat is unable to produce enough insulin or a cat’s body doesn’t know how to properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas with the role of regulating glucose or sugar in the bloodstream and throughout the body’s cells. Not enough insulin can cause the cat’s body to break down fat and protein reserves for energy. Your vet care Roanoke, VA can tell you that ideally fats, carbohydrates (sugars) and proteins should all be used for energy. The presence of diabetes throws this off and raises blood sugar levels.

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