Main » 2017 » March » 4 » Feeding Your Pet Rabbit
7:47 AM
Feeding Your Pet Rabbit

Rabbits need a variety of foods to keep healthy and happy. Start with a high-quality, nutritionally complete rabbit pellet. Add some fresh greens such as Romaine lettuce or spinach. Other vegetables such as carrots and squash add nutrition and help keep your rabbit’s teeth trim. And an occasional piece of fruit such as apples, strawberries or oranges can make a good treat. Your rabbit also needs lots of hay. Alfalfa hay has too much protein for adult rabbits so choose timothy hay instead. Hay keeps your rabbit’s digestive system working properly and all that nibbling keeps the teeth healthy. Dry hay is available from the pet store but you can find fresh hay from feed stores and sometimes online. Remove uneaten food from your rabbit’s enclosure daily so it doesn’t spoil. And make sure your rabbit has access to fresh, clean water at all times. For more information, contact your Conyers, GA veterinarian.

Views: 485 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: rabbit care | Rating: 0.0/0
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