Main » 2016 » September » 5 » False Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis) In Dogs
10:06 PM
False Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis) In Dogs

False pregnancy is quite common among bitches. Many experts theorize that it is a normal physiological function of the body that evolved so pups in the wild will survive. In the wild, the domestic dog’s distant cousins have to adapt ways to survive the harsh conditions and ensure perpetuation of the species. Thus, only dominant bitches in the pack actually produce litters, while other females only produce milk so the pups will be adequately nourished. Domestication of dogs hasn’t erased this physiological behavior. A good number of female dogs today still undergo false pregnancy.

A female dog of any age can develop false pregnancy. Symptoms are generally manifested within 4-9weks after heat, and include enlarged mammary glands—milk may be excreted when pressed, but it may be absent in some dogs. There may also be changes in behavior—affected dogs becoming possessive, clingy, or nervous. Some bitches start making a “nest” to prepare for the coming of a phantom litter. Some may have a poor appetite or go off-food, while there are those that tend to display aggressive behavior.

Symptoms of pseudo-pregnancy usually wane within 3-4 weeks however, if the bitch continues to show abnormal behavior problems, you should contact your Bayside, NY veterinarian. Set an appointment at this website Whitestone Veterinary Care.

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