Main » 2016 » March » 26 » Eye Health of Parakeet
5:29 AM
Eye Health of Parakeet

Did you know that simple eye injuries are a common occurrence in pet birds including Parakeets? For example, your parakeet may injure his eye while flying around his cage or even falling from his perch. If you clean around your Parakeet, harmful chemicals could enter his eye causing injury. Parakeets may even develop cataracts, which could turn the eye lens a bluish color. Tumors or abscesses may also form behind the eye, which can cause the eye to bulge out. In addition to irritants or debris that may enter the eye, eye lacerations may also be caused from injury or a sharp object entering or scratching the eye. If you notice the third eyelid protruding over the eye, this could also be a sign of an injury. The best way to handle an eye injury in your pet bird is to call your veterinary clinic Imperial Beach, CA. Click here to know more.

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