Main » 2018 » March » 8 » Exercising your Green Iguana
3:07 PM
Exercising your Green Iguana

Do you own a green iguana or a similar type lizard? Have you ever noticed that they like to just sit a lot on their branches, logs or other twigs in their tank? This is what they love to do to pass the time away, but they should also be up and about moving too. Green iguanas need to be exercised just like other pets are. You can encourage your iguana to exercise by providing him with different levels in his tank and branches all throughout those levels. Climbing is great exercise. You can also create a safe zone for your iguana either inside or outside of your home. Place your iguana in this area and allow him to roam freely. Include some toys to encourage playtime. Always supervise your iguana outside of his cage. For more tips, discuss with your pet clinic Farmers Branch, TX.

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