Main » 2017 » March » 25 » Exercise and your sugar glider
4:06 PM
Exercise and your sugar glider

You are readying your home for a sugar glider, and you know that there are a lot of things to consider when doing so. One of the big things to think about is making sure your pet will be able to get enough exercise to stay happy and healthy.

Her enclosure must be large enough for her to move around freely, and she should be able to have some fun in there too. Think about the toys you can offer her, and be sure she will have the space to utilize these. Also, think about her time outside of this enclosure when she is interacting with you. This is when she can really move about unhindered, so it is an absolute necessity for her to have this time each day, and for you to provide her with things to do that will get her exercising. For more information, please contact your local Niagara Falls, ON vet clinic.

Views: 418 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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