Main » 2016 » September » 1 » Exercise and Your Guinea Pigs
1:35 PM
Exercise and Your Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs can get fat very easily so you need to make sure he gets enough exercise. Put things inside the cage to encourage active exploration. Your pig needs daily exercise and socialization outside the cage. Supervise your pig at all times outside the cage from other pets, children and even escaping or getting lost. Get down to your pig’s level and encourage him to run through cardboard or PVC pipe tunnels. Use food lures to get your pig to run to you. Cuddle with your pig so he will come to you for more affection. Allow your guinea pig to climb on you but take care that he doesn’t fall. On warm days you can take your guinea pig outside to play but make sure he is in a protected, confined area. Check that the grass is not treated with lawn chemicals that could harm your pet. Have fun. Learn more from your Scottsdale, AZ veterinary clinic.

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