Main » 2017 » March » 6 » Exercise and Your Guinea Pig
8:55 AM
Exercise and Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs need exercise to keep healthy and happy. It will help prevent obesity, which can cause health issues and even shorten your pig’s life span. Since your guinea pig spends most of his time in his enclosure, try to make it fun and full of exercise opportunities. Ramps, tunnels and things to climb are fun and can keep your pig active. Do not give your pig and exercise wheel since this puts too much curvature in the back and can injure him. Your guinea pig also needs about a half hour daily outside his enclosure for exercise. This also gives him time for socialization and bonding with his human family. Clear the area of dangers such as toxic plants or electric cords. Supervise your pig whenever he is outside the enclosure. Your pig will love running around and exploring but provide things to climb on and run through. For more information, contact your Flushing, MI veterinarian.

Views: 397 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Care center | Rating: 0.0/0
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