Main » 2017 » September » 23 » Exercise and your cat
4:41 PM
Exercise and your cat

Your cat is an excellent companion, and you want to make the most of your time together. You know she has a variety of needs to be met, like physical exercise. How can you help her with this?

Your pet needs you to think of fun ways to get her up and moving. After all, if there are some cool ways to get her needs met, why would you settle for boring ones? Your cat would love to play with you, so make a point to create active play sessions. These will help your pet get motivated to move about more without even realizing that she is getting in some exercise in addition to having some fun with her family. You can also encourage her to get moving on her own with toys that are used in this way, like toys she can chase and pounce on. For more information, please contact your best animal hospital Indianapolis, IN.

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