Every hamster needs bedding! Not only can it help soak up his waste, it’s also a comfy, cozy addition to the cage that your pet will appreciate. However, you do have to be mindful about what kind of bedding you get.
Pine bedding is popular because it smells good and it’s absorbent, but it’s not a good choice for small critters. Not only can it be sharp, it is quite dusty, so it can wreak havoc on your pet’s sinuses.
Instead, opt for Aspen shavings. Or better yet, choose a paper-based bedding. You can also use shredded paper, as long as you’re willing to change the bedding more often.
You can also purchase bedding fluff for your hamster, but you have to be careful with this as well. Use it in moderation because it can be swallowed or inhaled.
For more bedding tips,
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There are few things that are worse than a dog with fleas. That means many families have plenty of flea medication around, but that medication can expire. Can you still give it to your dog?
It’s perfectly safe to give your dog expired flea medication. Contrary to popular belief, most human and pet medication doesn’t expire because it goes bad or it suddenly becomes dangerous. Instead, it expires because it has potentially lost its potency. But even then, it usually only loses its potency if it has been expired for years or even decades.
Give your dog that expired flea medication, but keep a close eye on his skin. If the meds have lost their potency, he may end up with fleas anyway. If you want to be safe, just toss it and purchase new medication at the pet store.
Your veterinarian Flushing, NY
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Your cat is always excited for mealtime, and you want to make sure your pet has the opportunity to enjoy her food each and every day. However, you’ve noticed that there are a ton of different foods on the market. How can you tell when it’s time to switch over to a new one and why would you need to do this?
Your pet may love the taste of the food she is currently being offered, but this doesn’t mean that this is the best option for her. This is because she is always changing, and so too are her needs. Consider the nutrients needed to sustain her at different points in her life, and how each food offers her different things. If her food doesn’t fit her current needs, it may be time to switch. Your local experienced vets Indianapolis IN can help you offer your pet
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Your dog loves to chew on things, and you’ve never quite understood why. This behavior doesn’t seem appealing to you. Why does it hold the attention of your pet?
When you aren’t sure of something, you tend to ask about it. Your pet can’t do this directly, so he tends to seek out the answers to his questions on his own. Chewing is one way he can get more information about an object. It can also help him feel better if he is teething, as chewing can be a soothing activity to help with all the pressure your pet is feeling in his mouth. It can also be something fun to do when your pet doesn’t see any more appealing options in the immediate area. Your local Indianapolis, IN vet clinic can help you care for your pet. To know more, you can visit site
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Your cat loves to relax on the couch or curl up on her bed after a lengthy play session. Why does she nap so much?
Your cat’s sleeping habits are left over from her ancestor’s time in the wild. Sleeping for one long period of time like we do could mean spending a larger chunk of time being unaware of their surroundings. This could lead to danger. Smaller periods of rest allow your pet to remain packed with energy at all times, yet still have a good handle on what’s going on around her. It lets her stay ready for anything, which for her ancestors meant fleeing predators and chasing down her meals. For your pet, this like means that she can hop into any action that arises in your household. Your local Indianapolis, IN vet can offer additional guidance. Learn more here.
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