Main » 2016 » February » 23 » Easing your dog into a new routine
6:03 AM
Easing your dog into a new routine

Your dog is a creature of habit, and he loves to be able to anticipate what is coming up in his daily routine. This helps him gain a sense of control over his day, and can help him to better understand what is needed of him. However, this security is absent when you switch up the routine. He may need some reassurance regarding the new rhythm in your household, but if you introduce it gradually he shouldn’t have too much of an issue adjusting. After all, your dog is happy to follow your lead, so be sure to present everything with an upbeat attitude. This way, you will be able to put a positive twist on the changes for your pet. Be sure to figure out the new routine ahead of time so your pet won’t have to spend too much time in flux. Your local Hinesville, GA vet can help you care for your pet. Learn more now.

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