Main » 2014 » July » 1 » Dust Baths for Chinchillas
5:28 PM
Dust Baths for Chinchillas

Ideally, chinchillas should be provided daily dust baths, or at least several times a week. A dust bath is necessary for your chinchilla’s health. It will also prevent matting and keep your pet’s fur soft, clean, and in good form.

You can ask your local pet store for sanitized chinchilla dust, or make a 9:1 mixture of silver sand or volcanic ash and Fuller's earth. Don’t use beach sand or builder's sand. In a shallow pan, place about an inch of dust. Make sure that the pan has enough space for your chinchilla to roll over in.

Allow your chinchilla to have access to his dust bath for 20-60 minutes each day. Fecal material and waste should be removed from the dust. The dust may be reused until it appears clumpy. If you have two or more chinchillas, it is recommended to have a separate dust bath for each to prevent spread of diseases or parasites.

Never wash your chinchilla with water. If he does get wet, quickly dry him up by rolling him up in a towel or using a hair dryer set on low.

Bring your chinchilla to a vet Larimer County for a regular wellness check. Click here to know more about your pet's needs and set an appointment.

vet Fort Collins

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