Main » 2015 » September » 11 » Dogs that Provide Seizure Assistance
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Dogs that Provide Seizure Assistance

There are numerous types of seizure assistance dogs working with persons with disabilities. If you are looking for a specific dog for yourself or someone in your family, ask your vet Portland, OR if he knows of a local organization you can speak to for help. Dogs that are matched with people suffering from seizures play a variety of roles. For instance, there are seizure alert dogs, seizure response dogs, and seizure assistance dogs. Seizure alert dogs are trained to detect seizures before they occur and to notify the individual, a parent or caretaker. Seizure response dogs may be able to detect an oncoming seizure, but their main job is to notify a caretaker the moment the seizure begins. In other words, their job is to get help and to do so quickly. A seizure assistance dog is often used with children prone to seizures. This dog’s main job is to help keep the child calm. If you want to know more, click here.

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