Main » 2015 » September » 22 » Dog Wheelchairs and Carts for Pugs
1:25 PM
Dog Wheelchairs and Carts for Pugs

Your vet Savannah, GA can tell you that the Pug is among several breeds of dogs that are prone to illnesses and diseases that can affect their mobility. One such disease is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), which can cause the loss of mobility and feeling in the legs. If your Pug has been diagnosed with a condition that affects his mobility, talk to your vet about a specialized dog cart or wheelchair for your dog. Specialized carts have been created to give your dog back some of his mobility. For instance, Eddie’s Wheels and develop carts for dogs with DM. These carts are standard rear wheel carts that are essentially used like walkers. The cart allows the dog to take his regular stride with the front legs while the cart rolls along carrying the backend. Models are available for all dog sizes and can be ordered to specifically fit your Pug.

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