Main » 2015 » November » 20 » Does your hamster have a healthy diet?
6:03 PM
Does your hamster have a healthy diet?

Your hamster is an important part of your family, and you want to make sure you are offering her as healthy of a diet as you can. There are many commercial food mixes on the market, but not all of them are created equal. Try to find a natural mix that will give your pet the nutrients she needs to keep her body healthy. Try to avoid artificial ingredients like colors or flavorings that can be found in some popular mixes.

You can supplement this diet with some additional nuts and seeds, as well as some fresh produce. Make sure to wash all fruits and vegetables before offering them to your pet, and to be mindful of the portion sizes for all items your pet eats since hamsters can gain weight quite easily.

For additional information, please contact your local Savannah, GA vet.

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