Main » 2017 » March » 20 » Do thunderstorms bother your pet ?
2:59 PM
Do thunderstorms bother your pet ?

Your pet can be confident and courageous when the occasion calls for it, but she can also be a bit timid when she is unsure of her surrounding, or what is happening around her. The latter is likely the case for thunderstorms. This can be a common issue, as your pet, like many others, is bewildered by the loud noises and flashing lights they produce. When something new presents itself, your pet is instantly trying to determine its source and identify it as a threat or not. Being unable to find the source of the noise can be a bit disconcerting, and leaves your little fur ball unable to dismiss it as something safe. This leaves her in a constantly on edge, but you can help calm her by sticking close by. Schedule an appointment with your local Frisco, TX vet can offer additional guidance.

Views: 513 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: pet clinic frisco tx, vet clinic frisco tx, veterinarians frisco tx | Rating: 0.0/0
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