Main » 2016 » February » 10 » Do Pet Snakes Really Have To Eat Live Food?
4:36 PM
Do Pet Snakes Really Have To Eat Live Food?

Snakes are fascinating reptiles to keep as pets. However, there are pet owners who are put off because they have heard that snakes need to be given live food. While snakes eat anything in their native habitats, those that are kept as pets don’t need to be fed live animals in order to thrive and be healthy.

The basic diet of most pet snakes includes dead mice and rats, both of which can already sufficiently provide for their basic nutritional needs. However, some snake species have specialized dietary needs; some will need to be fed pre-killed chicks or other types of specialist food. Feeding live prey to pet snakes is not highly recommended because there have been reports of snakes being bitten by live prey that is placed in their cages. Serious injury can possibly lead to infection.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs by visiting your pet clinic Sun Prairie, WI.

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