Main » 2016 » February » 19 » Do Elderly Cats Need to Play?
8:33 AM
Do Elderly Cats Need to Play?

It’s obvious that young kittens need regular playtime. Even adult cats need to play, otherwise they can become downright unruly! But, what about elderly cats? Do they need to play too?

As a cat ages, he definitely becomes a lot less active, which is saying something because it isn’t uncommon for cats to sleep 16 hours a day! An elderly cat may sleep closer to 20 hours each day.

Although you can expect your old cat to sleep more and move more slowly, he needs a little playtime too! The difference is, playtime will look different.

You might notice that your cat moves a bit slower, or isn’t interested in playing for very long. Use a laser pointer or wand toy and keep him engaged as long as you can, but let your cat dictate when enough is enough.

For more playtime tips, click here, or call your vet Marietta, GA.

Views: 452 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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