Main » 2014 » July » 1 » Discarding Your Cat as if it is Just a “Thing”
3:57 PM
Discarding Your Cat as if it is Just a “Thing”

You thought what most others do. You thought that having a cat would be a great idea, and now you are bitterly regretting your decision.

Getting “rid” of your cat seems to be the way to go, but how do you dump a cat?

Too many people get a kitten or a cat and after the fact, realize that it is a bit of work and a fairly high expense.

So, what happens now?

The amount of cats “discarded” and left to fend for themselves is disturbingly high. Usually thrown outside like a bag of garbage, people just ignore the cat and hope that it moves into a new area, and that someone else might take it in.

But this is not the case. Most cats that are left outside in the wild become victims of wild animals, or they starve to death, not possessing the skills needed for basic hunting and survival.

Animal shelters have reached an all-time high with the amount of stray cats that once were living in a home, with a family. If you want to learn more about cats, visit the website of the vet Round Rock.

vet Round Rock

Views: 461 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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