Main » 2016 » March » 26 » Diagnosing Swollen Eyes in Painted Turtles
7:34 AM
Diagnosing Swollen Eyes in Painted Turtles

Did you know that Painted turtles oftentimes suffer from various eye injuries or eye related illnesses? If you’ve noticed your Painted Turtle constantly scratching or rubbing at his eyes then he may have an eye infection or irritation. Ask yourself if you notice anything else about his eye. For instance, do his eyes appear to be watery, weepy, or puffy? Does he seem to have trouble keeping his eyes open? If so, then there could be swelling in the eye or the eyelid. In order to diagnose your Painted Turtle’s condition, your vet will need to exam the eye. Your vet will most likely exam the glands found in and around your Painted Turtle’s eye. If there’s swelling the “Harderian” gland this could indicate a vitamin deficiency possibly due to poor diet. After a thorough examination, your veterinarian Coronado, CA may prescribe more vitamins to handle the problem.

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