Main » 2017 » March » 8 » Diagnosing Swollen Eyes in a Eastern Box Turtle
6:59 AM
Diagnosing Swollen Eyes in a Eastern Box Turtle

If your Eastern Box turtle’s eyes appear to be swollen, call your vet and schedule a checkup. Your turtle may have swollen eyes because of excessive scratching, debris in the air, allergens, or because of anther illness developing somewhere in its body. The only way to find out what is going on is for your turtle to see a vet. Only a veterinary professional can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment for your turtle’s eye. Please do not try to diagnose and treat your Eastern Box turtle’s eye yourself. Small eye related injuries or irritants can become large problems if they go untreated or are treated incorrectly. Allow your vet to examine your turtle, in which case he will probably examine the glands around the eyes. If there’s swelling in the glands then your turtle most likely has a vitamin deficiency and will require treatment accordingly. Your veterinary clinic Sauk Rapids, MN can give you more details. Or visit this website Companions Animal Hospital.

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