Main » 2015 » October » 8 » Declawing Cats
8:27 AM
Declawing Cats

Some people believe that declawing their cats is the best way to deal with unwanted scratching. However, this is very far from the truth. Cats that undergo the procedure suffer from extreme pain that can last a lifetime. They are also less likely to use the litter and are unable to engage in natural feline behaviors. In fact the procedure has been known to lead to the development of undesirable behavior problems that can be a challenge to deal with.

Declawing has been banned by many countries, except for rare cases when it is necessary to remove nail bed tumors and similar health problems.

Scratching is a normal feline behavior. It removes the old nails to give way to new growth. Cats also scratch to mark territory, and stretch their muscles.

Cats start to scratch when they are about 8 weeks old. This is the best time to teach kittens to use a scratching post and tolerate nail trimming.

Ask your Merrillville, IN vet regarding important pet issues. You can get more information here.

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