Main » 2015 » March » 28 » Dealing with Trigger Factors of Pet Phobias
8:15 AM
Dealing with Trigger Factors of Pet Phobias

During the process of desensitizing your pet against specific factors that trigger fear and anxiety, it is important for the animal to learn to associate the factor with positive things such as his favorite treats, lavish praise, or playtime. In time, the animal will soon learn to be less fearful of the stimulus and eventually conquer his fears.

The chances of successfully dealing with a pet’s phobia is highly dependent on several factors including a pet’s age, the length of time the fearful behavior has been displayed, and the owner’s diligence and dedication with training.

Generally, the younger the dog exhibited the behavior and the longer the duration, the less chance for the behavior to be successfully corrected. However, it does not necessarily mean that correction is impossible. Making the effort to recognize the trigger factor/s and being patient throughout the process of training and desensitization will increase the chances of fearful pets being able to conquer their fears.

Ask for your Grand Prairie veterinarian’s help in dealing with your pet’s fears and negative behavior. Check out more on this link.

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