Main » 2015 » November » 23 » Cuban Tree Frog Care
1:36 PM
Cuban Tree Frog Care

Cuban Tree Frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis) are the largest tree frogs in the warm, humid regions of North America. Being cannibalistic, they prey on smaller frogs for their sustenance. They like living in humid and shaded areas, but can also bury themselves in the soil. Their large toe pads make it easier for them to climb trees; it is also a distinguishing feature that can easily identify them from other species of tree frogs.

Like other species of frogs being kept as pets, Cuban Tree frogs can be housed in an aquarium or terrarium. A layer of moisture-retaining substrate such as moss, soil, or bark should be used. A thick layer of moist soil will allow your frog to burrow if he wants to. The moss provides a moist hiding area. Make sure to regularly mist the enclosure if you have not installed a mister or fogger in the enclosure. A bowl of dechlorinated water will also help preserve humidity inside the enclosure.

Consult your Carteret County, NC veterinarian for advice, especially if you notice any changes in your pet's health and/or behavior. Visit this link to know more.

Views: 692 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Harry Dugat Jr  
There is a frog on my house that looks like the Cuban tree frog. Not sure though

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