Main » 2018 » March » 18 » Creating a pet-friendly home
5:10 AM
Creating a pet-friendly home

You will soon be sharing your home with a pet, and you are anxiously awaiting his arrival. How can you make sure your home is a pet-friendly place for him to spend his time?

Your pet needs you to understand that he there are likely a lot of things in your home that could be potential hazards. You will need to seek these out and remove them from your pet’s reach. This will probably include choking hazards, toxic substances, sharp objects, and things your pet could become tangled within. Make a point to block off or sufficiently deter your pet from unsafe areas. You should then add some items specifically for your pet into your living space so he will know he is welcome there, and so he will be able to meet his needs. Your Chattanooga, TN veterinarian can help you care for the pets in your home. Click this website for additional information.

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