Main » 2016 » March » 4 » Cooling off Your Love Bird
11:02 AM
Cooling off Your Love Bird

If your love bird is showing signs of overheating (such as heavy breathing or walking around with extended wings to keep cool), call your vet. Your love bird may be beginning to show signs of heat stroke or he may simply need to be cooled down at home. Your vet can help you determine if it’s serious or not. If it’s not serious, your vet may instruct you in a few ways to cool your love bird down at home. First, you can fill a spray bottle with cool water and set the sprayer to mist. Lightly mist your bird with the cool water to bring his temperature down. Second, you can place your bird’s feet in cool water. You may want to wrap a towel around him to keep him from cooling down too quickly. Your veterinary clinic Milwaukie, OR can recommend that you make sure your love bird is in a cool part of your home and watch him for shock. Learn more here.

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