Main » 2016 » September » 1 » Constipation in Siberian Gerbils
11:06 AM
Constipation in Siberian Gerbils

Did you know that gerbils and other pocket pets can develop occasional constipation? If you notice your Siberian gerbil is pooping less or is straining or appears to be having trouble pooping, call your vet. Constipation is not uncommon in gerbils, but it does require immediate treatment by your vet. It’s important to know your Siberian’s general routines and behaviors that way if something is off you will notice quickly. If your gerbil does get constipated, never give him laxatives or fiber supplements meant for humans as these can cause greater problems in the gerbil’s intestinal tract. Constipation usually occurs due to dehydration, dry stools, and diets high in fatty foods. Remember to include variety in your gerbil’s diet. Also make sure he is getting enough exercise. Both of these steps can help prevent constipation. Constipation can also occur as a result of an underlying medical condition, which is why you should contact your veterinary clinic Fort Collins, CO.

Views: 791 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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