Main » 2018 » March » 19 » Common Symptoms Of Cataracts In Dogs
6:11 PM
Common Symptoms Of Cataracts In Dogs

The most prominent symptom of cataract in dogs is clouding of the eyes, which may appear whitish or bluish-gray in color. The condition may affect only one or both eyes. Depending on the severity of the problem, dogs with cataracts may suffer from mild to complete loss of vision. Some of the early signs of vision problems include tripping or bumping on objects in the path, failing to recognize familiar people, walking with a hesitant gait, or even walking into walls. In cases when a cataract is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus, the dog may also exhibit increased water intake and consequently increased frequency of urination.

How are cataracts in dogs diagnosed?

In addition to the clinical symptoms, your Frisco, TX veterinarian will perform an eye examination to determine what is causing the opacity of your pet’s eye/s. You may also be referred to a veterinary ophthalmologist so the problem can be thoroughly assessed to determine its severity and prognosis. Read more here.

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