Main » 2016 » February » 16 » Common Health Conditions in American Eskimos
5:09 PM
Common Health Conditions in American Eskimos

If you own or are thinking of owning an American Eskimo pup then you may be wondering if this particular breed has any specific health conditions. There is one condition that is harmless; although it requires routine maintenance. This is the development of stains under the eyes, which are caused by tears. Routine cleaning of the eyes is required to avoid the dark stains on the American Eskimos otherwise all white fur. Other health conditions include hip and knee problems. In well bred American Eskimos eye, hip and knee problems are almost always absent. Irresponsible breeding; however, has introduced these health concerns. If you’re not sure if your pup has these issues, call your local vet Aurora, CO and set up a wellness exam. Wellness exams can also benefit your pup as they create a medical history and provide a much needed base line of information should your pup get sick in the future.

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