Main » 2016 » September » 13 » Cleaning your Map Turtle’s Habitat
6:14 AM
Cleaning your Map Turtle’s Habitat

Keeping your Map turtle’s tank or outdoor pond is an important part of providing for his overall health, wellness and care. Most map turtles are content in a long 20 gallon tank given they are not overcrowded by other turtles or excessive plant life. Larger tanks are always welcome as are outdoor ponds. Since Map turtles are native to fresh, fast moving water, it’s important to keep the water clean regularly. Ensure the filtration and oxygenation systems are working correctly as well. Spot cleaning your turtle’s tank is recommended. This includes ensuring any water or food bowls are cleaned and filled appropriately. If there are dry areas of the tank or pond, make sure those are cleaned, refreshed, or stripped and replaced routinely. If you place floating drift wood or smaller pieces of floating wood or rocks, make sure those are cleaned or replaced often as well. For additional tips, give your veterinary clinic Moorpark, CA a call.

Views: 502 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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