Main » 2017 » July » 20 » Choosing pet supplies for your cat
8:07 AM
Choosing pet supplies for your cat

You have a feline friend sharing your home with you, and you know that she loves to have some fun. Toys can be a wonderful way for her to do this, as they encourage play and can get her up and moving. How can you choose toys she will like?

Most cats will enjoy toys that capitalize on their natural instincts, like stalking and pouncing on things. Opt for a few toys to do this with, as they will likely be simple for your pet to use both on her own and with you. You can also sneak in a few different toys to help broaden her horizons a bit, and over time you will come to know your pet’s toy preferences by taking a look at what gets the most use. For more information, please call your local vet clinic Lafayette, LA.

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