Main » 2015 » November » 27 » Choking in Burmese Gerbils
11:59 AM
Choking in Burmese Gerbils

Gerbils are small creatures that often have big appetites. If your Burmese gerbil likes to eat a lot in a short amount of time then you may need to keep an extra eye on him to make sure he chews and swallows his food without choking. If he does choke, call your vet immediately to find out what to do. Your vet may be able to walk you through some simple lifesaving steps over the phone. Signs of choking may include coughing, liquid coming from the mouth or nose, or a gagging like noise. Call your vet or an emergency vet if you see any of these signs in your Burmese gerbil. If it is a choke, your veterinarian Arlington, TX may instruct you to help release whatever is lodged in your gerbil’s throat by gently tapping him on the back in much the same way you would an infant. Even if the choke passes you should still take your gerbil in for an exam.

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