Main » 2015 » September » 18 » Caval Syndrome in Dogs
4:24 AM
Caval Syndrome in Dogs

If your dog tests positive for heartworm disease, your vet Newport Beach, CA may discuss with you the ongoing symptoms that are related with the disease. Most likely, your dog was already showing minor symptoms such as fatigue, a cough, decreased appetite and weight loss. More severe symptoms of the disease include a swollen belly with the development of heart disease. Sometimes heartworms can develop a blockage of blood flow leading to cardiovascular collapse. This is referred to as Caval Syndrome. Signs of Caval Syndrome include the onset of labored breathing, pale gums, and bloody or coffee colored urine. Immediate surgery is required to remove the heartworm blockage. Heartworm disease is a dangerous and potentially fatal disease. The best way to prevent this disease is to have your dog tested annually. Your dog should also be on a monthly heartworm prevention program. Your veterinarian can recommend a program for your dog. For more information, click here.

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