Main » 2014 » July » 31 » Catnip and Chaos Seem to Go Hand-In-Hand
3:03 PM
Catnip and Chaos Seem to Go Hand-In-Hand

Do you find yourself giving your cat some catnip just to watch it for entertainment purposes?

You are not alone! Many cat owners will actually put time aside during their busy days to be able to enjoy the chaos that is sure to follow upon putting some catnip down for your cat.

Your cat may react very quickly to the sounds it hears prior to being given catnip by meowing and practically climbing up your leg in anticipation of this fantastic catnip.

Is catnip a drug? No, catnip does not have any chemicals in it that will get your cat high or stoned or anything like that, but it sure looks that way when your cat is enjoying it.

Catnip is actually very close to the mint family of herbs and the minty aroma is so overwhelming for a cat’s sense of smell that it drives the cat crazy in a good way. It generates a similar effect to giving your cat a drug, but catnip itself is not a drug, plain and simple.

Read more on catnip and other effects it can have on cats by clicking on this website Village Gate Animal Hospital.

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