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4:16 AM
Cat Pheromones

Pheromones are chemical substances which plays an important role in communication and display of behavior in specific animal species. Pheromones are usually airborne and a whiff can certainly bring on specific responses.

Various types of pheromones are produced in response to specific situations—

Calming Effect

Pheromones exert a calming effect on cats suffering from specific behavior problems; there are artificial formulations of these types of pheromones which are used extensively in dealing with undesirable behavior.

Mating Pheromones

Female cats that are in heat produce pheromones that can be detected by male cats even when they’re miles away from each other. The male cats will then seek for the female releasing these mating pheromones.

Maternal Pheromones

A mother cat releases pheromones to calm her litter, and make them feel safe and secure. Kittens can also identify their mother because of the pheromone that she emits.

Bringing your cat to the McHenry veterinarian regularly for wellness checks will help ensure a long and healthy life for your pet. More pet care tips are available on this website.

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