Main » 2015 » October » 9 » Care for Your Dog While You Work
11:26 AM
Care for Your Dog While You Work

Dogs are social animals and can get quite anxious if left alone for too long. This isolation can lead to separation anxiety, resulting in destructive behavior, eliminating in the house and even depression. If you can’t get home several times a day to let your dog out and play with them a bit, consider hiring a dog sitter or a dog walker to perform this important task. You can hire an adult professional or a responsible teen or neighbor, depending on your budget. There is also the option of doggy daycare, which can be expensive but really fun for your dog. Your dog can play with other dogs and get lots of attention from the human handlers. Carefully research doggy daycare centers for safety, cleanliness and how the dogs behave and interact. And check that your dog is adapting since some dogs are overwhelmed by doggy daycare. Learn more from your Crown Point, IN vet.

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