Main » 2016 » September » 20 » Car Goggles for Golden Retrievers
2:31 PM
Car Goggles for Golden Retrievers

If your Golden Retriever likes to ride in the car and even likes to hang his head out of the window then you may want to consider some sort of safety gear to protect his eyes. For instance, when automobiles were first created there were no windshields and drivers typically wore eye goggles to protect their eyes from wind and road debris. Now that we have windshields there’s no need for people to wear goggles, but what about dogs? Your Golden Retriever could easily get an eye injury from hanging his head out of a moving vehicle. For this reason doggy eye goggles were developed to provide protection for dogs while hanging their heads out of a car window. If you want to allow your Golden to hang his head out of a car window then you may want to consider purchasing him protective eye goggles. For more details, give your veterinary clinic Newmarket, ON a call.

Views: 577 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Pet Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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